Mos baby Weds

2:42 AM

Hello everybody, hope you're feeling fine. 

 I know it's been ages and I know you are tired of my excuses....i'm tired of giving them myself. But I know you all love me and you all will continue to accept me till become a better blogger. After all,  Linda Ikeji blog wasn't built in a day .....

Anyway, today I'm sharing pictures from Mosunmola 's Nikkai and Engagement ceremony.  You all remember Mosun nau....She and my other friend Sesi got engaged on the same day last year.
Her ceremony held last Sunday and I must confess I put myself under a little bit of pressure. See ehn, Mosun herself is a makeup artist and she's really good with her face, so that means there's absolutely no look she hasn't worn before. After plenty prayer, the holy spirit just said to me, Lola just keep it simple. And i did. And it turned out great. And she made a beautiful bride.  And i was so proud. And i.....Ok that's enough.  Lol

Thank you Mossbaby for the opportunity to make you beautiful on this big day. God bless your new home.

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