

8:02 AM

When I met Nike, I knew she was going to be different from my regular brides. A couple of my friends recommended me to her , so she called me.  We spoke and she told me how she wanted to look on her wedding day and I assured her that it was achievable. She wanted her look to be different from the usual subtle wedding look and common hairstyles. I don't think I convinced her well enough over the phone because she went MUA (makeup artist) shopping before she realized I was the best for her.

She is one client I really enjoyed working with. ... she and her friends especially Ronnie G where fun to work with. I am so glad I had the opportunity to make her beautiful.

Oh!!! I almost forgot.... she is d first bride that didn't let me take her "before " pictures. ..lol

                                                 Ronnie G
Nike and I

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  1. Nice....she really looked pretty, especially the last one with you

  2. Absolutely stunning!!wow! What products did you use?do you sell?

    1. Yes i sell. You can come to 221 herbert macaulay road yaba Lagos

  3. Thanks dear.....i use all kinds of products..ranging from marykay to Mac to Milani...
