Funmilayo House of Becca2

4:57 AM

After the damaged we caused on Instagram and Facebook (in case you didn't know,  we broke the Internet last weekend), it is only fitting that I dedicate this post to this beauty.

Funmilayo and I attended university together. A couple of years after I began my makeup journey, she also started hers. She caught on quite faster than I did because in her time there were more options of learning than those in my time where you had to teach yourself or manage the mediocrity available. She turned out to be a fantastic MUA and she is excellent when it comes to making herself up (not many makeup artists can boast of that) . So, imagine  my bewilderment when she buzzed me to tell me she would be needing my services for her wedding. I must confess I had mixed feelings; I was honored and skeptical at the same time. Was she *whining* me? If she's not ehn....hmmmm....making her up would be monumental..I said to myself. Then she came for her trial and from the accolades I received  I knew just then that her pictures would shake the social media platforms.
You see, Funmi isn't just beautiful. In fact it's not about her beauty but her skin. Her skin is made of pure glass. No blemishes no bumps absolutely smooth and devoid of oil or sweat. That skin is every makeup artist's dream canvas. Everything just stayed in place that I didn't  need to stay for a touch up. Thinking about that skin is giving me a makeup orgasm. Lol.

Thank you Funmi for the opportunity to glam you up.
May your marriage be a joyous one.

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  1. You really broke the Internet, nice one dear

  2. flawless work ma, no wonder u used her foto @ the entrance of ur makeup studio, its worth it

  3. Can't still get over how u transformed me on my day... Thanks once again darling.
